Our program values:

Making brain retraining a way of life
Accessible, hands-on coaching
Community Connection
Holistic lifestyle and nutrition practices

Why Choose Wired 4 Healing?

Wired 4 Healing’s acclaimed brain retraining program is grounded in the idea of plugging into your body’s own powerful healing ability, instead of wasting precious time and money chasing external “fixes”.

As a Wired 4 Healing member, you’ll learn scientifically proven techniques that will encourage your body to rest, digest and repair, harnessing the power of your nervous system to heal your body.

For brain retraining to be truly successful, it has to become a way of living rather than a passive exercise. To ensure lasting results, our experienced coaches offer daily classes to teach valuable skills you can use in everyday life, while supporting you every step of the way.

Healing comes from within.

Your Wired 4 Healing membership includes:

Simplicity . Support . Community.


35 minute 1-on-1 discovery session
with a Wired 4 Healing coach


Minimum of 5 live (and recorded) classes per week to be attended or viewed at your pleasure


Daily practice activities that we participate in together as a community


Simple and informative training modules


Social member chat platform and your own dedicated “healing buddy” to keep you motivated


Access to coaches through interactive classes and
direct messaging


Monthly special guest experts for interactive classes and Q&A’s

What is Brain Retraining?

When our body is in a state of dis-ease, our nervous system gets stuck in the never-ending stress cycle of “fight or flight”, causing us to live in a chronic state of inflammation and illness. 

Brain retraining is a natural, no-risk practice that uses principles of neuroplasticity to coax your nervous system out of its chronic stress response and back into “rest, digest and repair” mode, allowing your body to heal. 

This holistic approach to treatment has been scientifically proven through a vast amount of research to help people recover from a wide range of inflammatory, chronic and mental health conditions. 

Our bodies are uniquely designed to heal themselves. Brain retraining gives the power back to the body, returning you to a vibrant state of well-being. 

“At Wired 4 Healing, brain retraining isn’t a casual practice,
but a way of living”

As healing also does not happen overnight...

You’ll receive the hands-on education, accountability and support you need and deserve, from our tight-knit community of members and expert coaches.

Alone we survive-Together, we thrive!

Brain retraining can aid in the recovery from many chronic health conditions including:

Poor gut health (IBS/SIBO, leaky gut, gastritis, MCAS, histamine intolerance, etc.)

Chronic pain and other inflammatory conditions

Anxiety and Depression

Long-haul Covid

Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

CIRS/mold toxicity

Psychotropic Drug Injuries

Multiple Chemical Sensitivity

WELLNESS retreats

the voice of our community

How brain retraining helped Alexandria and what makes us different. We make things simple but also understand that success comes from building a daily practice.

No quizzes or long extensive modules.

Sharon Pilling

“I have been privileged to be part of the Wired 4 Healing program and community from the beginning. I was stuck in a rut for a long time and I’m truly in awe of how much I’ve learned and been able to accomplish with the tools they’ve taught me. I’m confident more than
ever with the path I’m on.”

Cammi Eklund

“The profound changes to my physical, mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing since joining this group have been truly astonishing. I’ve seen a lot of healing and gained a lot of confidence in myself in a short period of time.”

Dan Guenther

“I’ll forever be grateful for this community. In a short period of time, I was able to improve my gut after decades of feeling hopeless. It’s a tight knit community and everyone is helpful and welcoming.”

Wired 4 Healing

Stephanie Bills

“W4H has helped me immensely. I’m obsessed with our daily brain retraining exercises. The coaches and guest speakers cover a lot of different aspects of health and help make the process easy to follow. It’s a caring and supportive community.”

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